UKG - Math Worksheets

Colours and Numbers

These Coloring worksheets specially designed for Kindergarten/Nursery/LKG/UKG and as mental maths concept. It is very easy to do. There is a number stated in each box. You have to make your child recognise the number and color as many objects in the box as the number.

Weighing Objects

Observe the objects that are being weighed in the weighing scale and put a tick against the object that is heavier.

Arranging objects in increasing order

Number the things in each set in an Increasing Order according to their sizes.

Count and match

Count the objects in each set and match with the correct number on the left.

Count and write

Count the number of objects in each column and write the number in the box given below.

Count the objects in each box and circle the answer.

Match the same

Count the number of objects in the box on the left and match with the box containing the same number of objects on the right.

Count the number of objects – Worksheets

These worksheets helps differentiating between 1 and 2. Count the number of given objects in each box and circle the correct number under the box.

Counting of 6 – Worksheets – Level 1 – Help Sheets – Part 4

These attractive and beautiful worksheets/helpsheets/flash cards helps children to learn the first fundamental learning in the field of Mathematics. Here are the worksheets showing the counting of 6(six) in an interesting and easy way.

Counting of 6 – Worksheets – Level 1 – Help Sheets – Part 3

These attractive and beautiful worksheets/helpsheets/flash cards helps children to learn the first fundamental learning in the field of Mathematics. Here are the worksheets showing the counting of 6(six) in an interesting and easy way.